Thursday, August 12, 2010


A person who's full of knowledge. Compared him to a person who's full of wisdom. Which one is more significant to you?

One may be very knowledgeable. But is knowledge really everything? Yes, it is. IF you know how to master or use it. One who has knowledge but no wisdom, everything that he says is just plainly a concept. As you can see people doing things which are against the law, like hacking. Are they knowledgeable? YES, they are. But they don't have wisdom cause they're doing things which are not meant to be done. So can you see the difference now?

I'm not trying to say that knowledge is useless. No. It's just that if one doesn't have the wisdom in doing things, his knowledge is just nothing but a concept, as I said. And please don't get me wrong. This post doesn't refer to anyone. It just came across my mind.

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