Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Society's fault? NO.

I wonder how my school teachers got their qualification to become a teacher, I mean a SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER. MOST OF THEM ARE SO FREAKING USELESS. Well, they do teach us, but they don't care whether we understand or not. Some even worse, ask us to ask them questions but ended up don't know how to answer. ZZZZZZ

There are 2 teachers I dislike the most in my school. Pn. Ngui and En. Azwar. One teaches Chemistry and the other teaches Physics. I don't know how they seriously become a teacher. They're not knowledgeable (according to me), they don't know how to control a class, they don't teach and the only thing they do is, PRESENTATION. Eh cikgu, skrang bukan kolej atau universiti tau? Ini sekolah MENENGAH. Kalau ingin sangat presentation, tolong jangan jadi guru sekolah menengah kerana perbuatan you ini akan menyebabkan pelajar-pelajar you tak faham a single word you cakap. Tambahan pula, I don't think you qualified untuk jadi seorang lecturer kat kolej atau universiti lor. Sebab dalam sekolah menengah, YOU pun TIDAK boleh handle. Jadi gunakanlah punggung you untuk fikir macam mana you nak handle pelajar-pelajar di kolej? =.= Furthermore, WE are the one who are doing the presentation but not them. So how can they expect we students to understand a single thing during the presentation done by STUDENTS? Some of them don't even listen, I mean me myself also won't listen to any presentation cause it's just a waste of time. And we as students have to type out every single shit and we have to bring our own laptops to school to present. What a stupid school. =.=

Well, if you don't teach, ok fine, we'll go to tuition. The problem is, you DON'T teach, and you GIVE us tons of homework which YOU YOURSELF DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO ANSWER. SO HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EXPECT YOUR STUDENTS TO UNDERSTAND THOSE FREAKING LESSONS WHERE YOU YOUSELF NOT EVEN SURE WHAT THE HECK YOU'RE TRYING TO TEACH YOUR STUDENTS?! If tuition does not exist in this society, well, I guess the students will be facing a major problem in understanding what the heck are those freaking teachers in school are trying to teach.

Jadi, para guru, di sini I ingin memberitahu kalian bahawa tolonglah jadi seorang guru yang bertanggungjawab. Kewajipan seorang guru bukan sahaja mengajar, tetapi juga kena tau macam mana nak handle sebuah kelas. Kalau perkara yang simple ni pun tak boleh buat, fine, I sebagai seorang pelajar pun tak tau mau cakap apa-apa lagi.

Itu saja. Sekian, terima kasih.

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