Friday, April 23, 2010

The element of music.

What is a world without music? Boredom will fill in the air. No melody could be found anywhere. Joy will disappear into thin air. Instead, people will live a meaningless life, a life without any rhythm.

And therefore, I love music. I don't assume myself as a great-taster in music, but I have great passion in it. My spirit will be boosted up immediately when I hear music playing. And as a result, my music player is filled with whole bunch of great songs with whole bunch of great musicians.

You might think that I'm a crazy fella by downloading so many albums. But I am not. There is always a trend that we must follow, unless you want to be left behind. Furthermore, these awesome albums have been through so much with me.

Whenever I'm not in a mood, Secondhand Serenade and Susan Boyle will be my first options. Whenever I feel the adrenaline moving through in my veins, Lady GaGa, Ke$ha and Kelly Clarkson will be there with me. Whenever I'm feeling to smack someone in the face, Paramore, Green Day and Tokio Hotel will be my only options. And so do the others, they are playing an important role in my music life.

So, music actually has so many other advantages. It does not only boost up your spirit, but also make you feel there are still hopes in this world when you listen to songs like Miley Cyrus's. So how can you still tell that there's life without music revolving around our souls?

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